Where Jamie Stands.
Explore this page to find more information about any of Jamie’s positions on issues or legislation he’s filed, supported, and/or passed as well as detailed breakdowns of how Jamie has delivered for every single town in the district. As always, reach out with any concerns or questions.
Jamie’s Agenda
As State Senator, Jamie will dedicate his efforts in Office to support his constituents. The center of Jamie’s policy platform is built around the continued fight regarding criminal justice reform, healthcare for all, clean energy, and improved education.
Town Specific
Jamie with the help of his colleagues was able to secure $2.75 million in funds for Acton which will be used to provide critical sewer and water improvements, helping support the multi-family housing at Powder Mill Place. Jamie secured earmarks of $300,000 for the Discovery Museum and $30,000 for the Acton-Boxborough Food Pantry. Jamie advocated for $6.7 million in MassDOT funds to construct the next phase of the Assabet River Rail Trail and over $10 million for the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail. Jamie also ensured funding to make Acton more bike-friendly and helped expand shuttle service for commuters, the elderly, and those with disabilities in Acton.
Jamie secured a $250,000 earmark to support Devenscrest residents in the town of Ayer, who are facing an attempted mass eviction by new property owner, Brady Sullivan Realty. Jamie also helped to deliver a $2 million MassWorks grant for the construction of new commuter rail parking and a $1.2 million grant to connect the Ayer sewer to the Four Corners development. Jamie advocated for increased state funding to help the Ayer and Shirley public schools regionalize and worked with the DCR to create more parking for users of the Nashua River Rail Trail. Jamie also secured $750,000 in CDBG funds to improve the water infrastructure of the Grove Pond neighborhood.
Jamie worked to provide $547,000 in investments for Route 111, including the stretch of road leading to the Sargent Memorial Library and the Blanchard Memorial Elementary School. Jamie also secured an earmark of $50,000 for restoration of the Levi Wetherbee House at Steele Farm and advocated for increased state funding to encourage the full regionalization of the Acton and Boxborough public schools.
Jamie helped to secure $1 million in funding for road safety improvements, which includes a new drain system and rehabilitating 3,500 feet of roadway on Route 111 and along Slough Road. Jamie passed legislation to provide a liquor license for the Harvard General Store and allowed for the creation of the Harvard sewer district. Jamie worked to convince MassDOER to make the Harvard Community Solar Garden a pilot project. Jamie also secured $192,000 to renovate and make the Hapgood Library accessible. Senator Eldridge advocated for state funding for the new Harvard public library, and the Harvard elementary school.
Jamie worked to pass legislation providing liquor licenses. further promoting economic development in Hudson. He also advocated for a $1.2 million MassWorks grant for road and sidewalk improvements on South Street, secured $500,000 in an economic development bond bill to reconstruct the Hudson rotary, awarded Workforce Training grants to small businesses, expanded shuttle service in Hudson. Jamie also helped to reconstruct 3 critical bridges that connect Hudson residents to the downtown. Jamie led the Senate effort to oppose the Eversource proposed transmission line.
Jamie secured a $110,000 earmark for the Reuben Hoar Library with the funding allowing the installation of solar panels on the new roof. Jamie has worked to pass legislation including $6 million for the Littleton Common “Smart Sewer” project, $2 million for expanded parking at the Littleton MBTA commuter rail train station and $2 million to improve infrastructure for The Point development. Jamie also helped with the construction of a new train station, advocated for Littleton to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in Green Communities Act and Complete Streets funding. Jamie helped to secure a $100,000 earmark for the Castles in the Trees playground, and $50,000 for public safety equipment for the Littleton police and fire departments.
Jamie, Representative Gregoire, and Representative Gentile worked to earn a $145,000 grant through the FY22 Employment Program, allowing for Young Adults with Disabilities the necessary opportunities for employment. Jamie has secured earmarks to improve Marlborough’s playgrounds, public housing, and the Marlborough Senior Center, and MassWorks grant to improve Marlborough roads and intersections, Department of Conservation and Recreation grants to improve Memorial Beach and Green Communities Act funding to reduce energy use in Marlborough. Jamie has also secured $200K funding for the MetroWest Boys and Girls Club (MWBGC).
Jamie advocated for $3.2 million to improve Maynard’s sewer system. He also secured $75,000 for a van service for the elderly and people with disabilities, $75,000 for the Open Table Food Pantry to purchase a mobile food truck, and $100,000 for the proposed Maynard Fire Station. Senator Eldridge also secured a $12 million earmark for Maynard’s White Pond Water Distribution project in the Economic Development bond bill. Jamie also advocated for Maynard to receive Complete Streets or Green Communities funding. Jamie advocated for 11 years to secure $6.7 million in MassDOT funds to construct the next phase of the Assabet River Rail Trail, including through Maynard.
Jamie secured $70,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to repair the collapsed culvert in Southborough that forced the closure of Northboro road. Jamie secured a $5,300 grant for the Southborough Cultural Arts Council and a $2,500 grant for the Southborough Library.
Jamie worked to pass legislation including awarding $850,000 in MassWorks money to make improvements in the Lower Village, such as traffic circulation, pedestrian and bicycle safety, and drainage. Jamie also advocated for 11 years to secure $6.7 million in MassDOT funds to construct the next phase of the Assabet River Rail Trail. Jamie helped get a $265,000 grant for street improvements. Senator Eldridge advocated for a $200,000 grant to help preserve Carver Hill Orchards and over $500,000 to construct emergency water infrastructure for a Stow neighborhood.
Jamie worked to secure $75,000 for the MetroWest Free Medical Program to purchase new medical equipment, $100,000 for the Sudbury Parsonage House, $2 million in bond funding to build the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, and has led the effort to oppose the proposed Eversource transmission line. Senator Eldridge also filed legislation to create senior property tax relief. Jamie also advocated for 11 years to secure $6.7 million in MassDOT funds to construct the next phase of the Assabet River Rail Trail, including to Sudbury.
Jamie served as the lead sponsor for many years of the line item to fund the Healthy Relationships program, to teach students about how to better manage relationships, and stop domestic violence. He has attended the Lincoln - Sudbury - Wayland Domestic Violence Vigil and Walk, in solidarity with victims and survivors of domestic violence in the region. Jamie has also been a strong supporter of expanding rail trails, including the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail and the Mass Central Rail Trail, including passing legislation in 2021 that would allow communities that have the Community Preservation Act (CPA) to use CPA money to purchase and protect the easements of abandoned rail lines, to turn into rail trails. Finally, Jamie recently met with leaders of Mass Energize in Wayland, to partner on guiding communities including Wayland to do their part to reduce carbon emissions, as part of the 2021 Next Generation Roadmap law, and has attended 350 Mass forums on climate change in Wayland.